2007 - 08
mixed medium
various sizes
The IN.BTWN.WRKS, 2007-08, are a group of installations that combine different types of work, shifting the attention away from the works themselves towards the spaces in between them.
All of the recent work (2008) are triptychs; combinations between three different types of work from WORKSHOP (PTG/SC) and elsewhere.
IN.BTWN (82/96/54), 2007, consists of a 54 gallon Scrapwood Sculpture, caps from eight 12 oz. various colored cans of spray paint and an 82' Distance Painting.
The sweatshirt in IN.BTWN (The Great Divide), 2007, is hanging on a heating rack and is heated. The two Full Can Paintings are made from brown primer, in the round and lit from the inside.
IN.BTWN (24/24/24/24), 2007, has four 24' Distance Paintings on either side of two pieces of Plexiglass. The opposite view shows the reverse with a fiberglass rock that contains a speaker. The speaker is playing four 6 minute soundscape pieces, each playing at a very low volume and scrambled. Please visit Sound for audio examples, see Verily.